Job offer as POST-DOC (research assistant professor)

Project title: "Mixing process of impinging jets in near- and above the boiling point in quiescent and cross-flow conditions". Principal investigator: dr inż. Łukasz Jan Kapusta
employment period: 24 months, salary: approx. PLN 7,600.00 / month gross),
Applications by June 22, 2022. should be sent to the following address:, message subject: SONATA - POST-DOC.
- PhD in the field of engineering and technology or natural sciences (preferred disciplines: mechanical engineering, environmental engineering, mining and energy, or related). PhD degree obtained in an entity other than the entity in which the employment is planned,
- Proven scientific experience (such as: participation in research projects and / or poster or oral presentations at scientific conferences),
- Authorship or co-authorship of at least two publications indexed in Web of Science
- Knowledge on sprays or imaging techniques of high-speed phenomena in fluid dynamics or lasers
- Knowledge and experience in using the optical methods (including laser methods) in the research of the injection process will be an asset
- Knowledge of numerical methods including eigenfunctions (preferred AVL FIRE™ environment)
- Knowledge of the basics of programming (preferred: FORTRAN, C ++, Python or Matlab)
- Personal skills: strong motivation for scientific work, creativity, responsibility, teamwork, communication skills and willingness to learn,
- Fluent English; knowledge of the Polish language will be an asset (declaration of starting the learning process as well)
Description of tasks:
- Experimental studies of spray processes,
- Analysis and interpretation of the results,
- Numerical implementation of sudden boiling phenomena with possible recondensation and collisions of droplets and streams,
- Publishing the results of research carried out as part of the project
- Participation in domestic or foreign scientific conferences,
- Design and purchase of components for test stands and service parts
- Preparation and maintenance of research equipment,
- Preparation of periodic reports.
NCN project type: SONATA - ST.
Deadline for submitting offers: June 22, 2022.
The form of submitting offers: email.
Conditions of employment:
- Place of implementation of research tasks: Institute of Heat Engineering, Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology,
- employment period: 24 months,
- Salary: approx. PLN 7,600.00 / month gross),
- Financing of trips to scientific conferences within the project.
- Access to high-class research equipment
Additional information:
- Project title: Mixing process of impinging jets in near- and above the boiling point in quiescent and cross-flow conditions
- Principal investigator: dr inż. Łukasz Jan Kapusta
- Applications should be sent to the following address:, message subject: SONATA - POST-DOC.
- Required documents:
- List of publications, speeches, awards, and distinctions,
- A cover letter with a description of the Candidate's competencies in relation to the requirements specified in the offer,
- A copy of the doctoral diploma or other document confirming the possibility of meeting the condition of holding the title of doctor on the day of starting work,
- Curriculum vitae (CV) containing information about the research activity, the achievements and distinctions, and scientific interests.
The following clause should be included in the curriculum vitae:
"I consent to the processing my personal data for the purpose of recruitment in accordance with art. 6 (1) (a) of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation)
- The committee's decision will be communicated to the candidates by e-mail until June 24, 2022
- The competition results will be made public and posted on the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering website. The decision of the Commission cannot be appealed against.