5th International Conference “Innovative Materials, Structures and Technologies” in Riga, Latvia

The Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Riga Technical University is pleased to invite engineers and scientists from all over the world to attend the 5th International Conference “Innovative Materials, Structures and Technologies” (IMST 2022) to be held in Riga on 28th-30th September 2022. Conference is organized by Faculty of Civil Engineering, RTU in collaboration with EIT RawMaterials Baltic HUB.
https://imst.rtu.lv/ E-mail: imst@rtu.lv
The conference aims to promote and discuss the latest results of industrial and academic research on analysis and design of advanced structures and buildings; innovative, ecological and energy efficient building materials; development of maintenance, inspection and monitoring methods; structural management; sustainable and safe transport infrastructure. The conference is intended for scientists, engineers, students, managers and professionals of the construction sector providing a possibility to share the latest achievements, discuss recent advances and highlight the current challenges. Participants will be given an excellent opportunity for networking as well as meeting colleagues and friends.
All accepted abstracts will be included in the printed conference abstract book.