Lecture "EdF Experience In The Operation Of Nuclear Power Plants Gen II and III"

From 15th to 19th May 2017 at the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering (WUT), the lecture "EdF Experience In The Operation Of Nuclear Power Plants Gen II and III" (2ECTS) will take place. The lecture is dedicated to Ph.D. students, PE, NPE and Energetyka students and all, who are interested in Nuclear Power Engineering. The lecture was prepared by EdF experts and it is based on their extensive practical knowledge. The lecture will cower the following issues: ......
Introduction to the safe operation of the NPP, stress tests of nuclear installations and the NPP failure conclusions of Fukushima accident, monitoring, fuel cycle and fuel economy, social acceptance and economic aspects of NPP, reactor shutdown and startup procedures, load change, core configurations, cooperation NPPs with renewable energy sources, NPP staff training, decommissioning
The lecture will take place at the Institute of Heat Engineering (WUT) at Nowowiejska Street 21/25:
Monday | 15th of May | 14:00-17:00 | room T105 |
Tuesday | 16th of May | 09:00-12:00 | room T206 |
13:30-17:00 | room T105 | ||
Wednesday | 17th of May | 09:00-12:00 | room T105 |
13:30-17:00 | room T105 | ||
Thursday | 18th of May | 09:00-12:00 | room T105 |
13:30-16:00 | room T105 | ||
Friday | 19th of May | 09:00-12:30 | room T105 |
14:00-15:30 | room T105 |
More details: :
dr inż. Grzegorz Niewiński phone 22 234 52 84, grzegorz.niewinski@itc.pw.edu.pl
or mgr inż. Michał Stępień, michał.stepien@itc.pw.edu.pl