H2020 Energy Event: Enhancing French-Polish collaboration

Instytut Francuski w Polsce we współpracy z Wydziałem Mechanicznym Energetyki i Lotnictwa Politechniki Warszawskiej, Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej (CZIiTT) oraz KPK (Krajowy Punkt Kontaktowy Programów Badawczych Unii Europejskiej) organizuje dzień informacyjny poświęcony projektom H2020 w dziedzinie energii odnawialnej. W tym wydarzeniu wezmą udział francuscy i polscy naukowcy, którzy w przeszłości uzyskali fundusze europejskie na swój projekt badawczy.
Kiedy: 20 grudnia (czwartek) od 11:30 do 16:00 Gdzie: CZIiTT, Rektorska 4, 00-614 Warszawa
Rejestracja: obowiązkowa (link) To wydarzenie jest przeznaczony dla studentów, doktorantów, naukowców i przedsiębiorców.
Program wydarzenia:
11:30 | Welcoming coffee |
12:00 | Openng words |
Presentation of activities of the Institute of Heat Engineering Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering/ Warsaw University of Technology - WUT
Presentation of the tools proposed by the French embassy for the bilateral cooperation in science Dr. HDR Christophe Paoli – Attaché for science and academic cooperation at the French embassy of Poland. |
13:00 | Problematic of the integration of intermittent renewable energy systems into a micro-grid (islands): problems, situation and solutions + illustration with the H2020 project Tilos |
Dr. HDR Gilles Notton – University of Corsica:
Dr. Cyril Voyant – University of La Reunion: |
14:00 | Coffee break |
14:30 | Collaboration between FR and PL in H2020 under Widening package. Financing of innovation in the Energy field in Horizon 2020 |
Ms. Walczyk-Matuszyk –Deputy Director, NCP Poland The project aims to establish a new research Center of Excellence devoted to the fundamental study and practical implementation of self-organizing networks of chemical and biochemical sensors capable of sensing of environmental hazards and other parameters defining the status of natural resources (forests, agricultural crops, aquatic ecosystems) NOMATEN // NCBJ The NOMATEN Centre of Excellence vision is to create in Poland a new research organization in which international world-class research teams will design, develop and assess innovative multifunctional materials – materials combining advanced structural and functional properties – for industrial and medical applications | |
15:00 | TEAMING Program |
CEZAMAT-ENVIRONMENT // NCBR The project aims to establish a new research Center of Excellence devoted to the fundamental study and practical implementation of self-organizing networks of chemical and biochemical sensors capable of sensing of environmental hazards and other parameters defining the status of natural resources (forests, agricultural crops, aquatic ecosystems) NOMATEN // NCBJ The NOMATEN Centre of Excellence vision is to create in Poland a new research organization in which international world-class research teams will design, develop and assess innovative multifunctional materials – materials combining advanced structural and functional properties – for industrial and medical applications |
16:00 | Lunch |