XII RDPE Conference

You are invited to participate in the XII RDPE Conference which will be held on 8–11 December 2015 with Honorary Patronage taken by Rector of Warsaw University of Techonology.
The 12th Conference on Research & Development in Power Engineering will take place 8–11 December 2015. Institute of Heat Engineering of Warsaw University of Technology organizes together with the Committees on Energy, Thermodynamics and Combustion, Polish Academy of Sciences and in agreement with the Polish Chamber of Power Industry and Environmental Protection the Research and Development in Power Engineering Conference. This event, organized every second year, has become a leading forum for the power sector employees and scientists. This is a place where academics can exchange their knowledge with the power sector representatives and present what they have in offer for them.
Subjects addressed at the Conference include:
- Technical and financial aspects of retrofitting and reconstruction in the power sector
- Mathematical modelling of thermal and flow processes
- Scientific views on operation of power installations
- Issues facing Poland’s power and heating sector linked to EU membership
- Nuclear energy issues
Within the conference a special session will take place: Turbines in Power Industry - scientific issues
Dates & venue:
- 8–11 December 2015
- Poland, Warsaw, Building of the Centre of Innovation and Technology Transfer Management of WUT
Conference fee:
- 1100 PLN / 800 PLN* till 15 October 2015
- 1300 PLN / 1000 PLN* after 15 October 2015
Conference fee includes participation in the conference, conference materials, lunches and participation in related events. Accommodation is not provided.
*) The lower price is applicable for students and PhD students.
As before, we expect papers presenting the results of research on:
- operational tests and experience from completed retrofitting
- emission control technologies
- rational lifetime extensions for power installations
- operational optimisation for power and CHP plants
- energy market
- new power technologies
- adaptation of the power and heating sector to EU regulations
- mathematical modelling of physical processes in power sector, process machinery, power and process systems
Submitted papers will be addressed, according to the suggestion of the authors and evaluation of the Scientific Commitee for publication in:
- English only: Journal of Power Technologies, Archives of Thermodynamics, Archivum Combustionis, Transactions of the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, Chemical and process Engineering (papers selection by the Scientific Commitee)
- English or Polish: Rynek Energii, Energetyka, INSTAL, Polska Energetyka Słoneczna
Conference registration schedule:
28 May 2015 – on-line registration on www.pbec.itc.pw.edu.pl and abstract submission,
15 Jun 2015 – confirmation of registration and abstract submission,
30 Aug 2015 – full paper submission,
15 Sep 2015 – acceptance of papers by the Scientific Committee of RDPE and forwarding to review in the journals. Conference registration of at least one of the authors is compulsory for journal review.
On behalf of the organizers
prof. dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Badyda