IHE / About / Divisions / Division of Rational Use of Energy / SEP - Scientific Group No. 240

Association of Polish Electrical Engineers (SEP), Scientific Group no. 240

Welcome to the Website of

Scientific Group no. 240 of 

the Kazimierz Szpotański Warsaw Department of  

the Association of Polish Electrical Engineers (SEP),

Division of Electrical Power Engineering


Members of Scientific Group no. 240 of the Association of Polish Electrical Engineers (SEP):


Sławomir Bielecki, PhD El.Eng. President
Janusz Lipka, MSc El. Eng. Vice President, Treasurer
Alicja Zielińska, PhD El. Eng. Honorary President
Łukasz Baran, MSc Eng.  Members
Paweł Błaszczyk, PhD Eng.
Tadeusz Palimąka, MSc El. Eng.
Tadeusz Skoczkowski, Prof. DSc PhD El. Eng.
Adam Smyk, PhD Eng.
Jacek Szymczyk, PhD Eng.
Jan Szymczyk, PhD El. Eng.
Tadeusz Tomborowski, PhD El. Eng.

